How much time do you and your employees spend every day trying to find qualified leads for your commercial mortgage company? Learning new methods of social media marketing as well as including old sales strategies such as cold calling can rob you of precious hours that you could be spending closing loans if you only had qualified buyers. If this situation is all too familiar, Live Transfer is the service that can make all the difference in your business and your bottom line.
Live Transfer is a commercial mortgage lead generation company that uses websites and other methods of attracting qualified commercial mortgage leads. They are masters at creating a massive lead generation funnel of ready to buy borrowers that are perfect for your business. What makes Live Transfer different from any other lead generation company is that they have the ability to transfer live leads directly to your mortgage company just at the time they are in need of your services. Imagine having a never ending source of customers who are in need of a commercial mortgage right now. How many more loans could you close if you could spend your time working these amazing leads instead of spending the majority of your time trying to find qualified buyers?
Here is how alive Transfer works. First, a customer who has been exposed to one of their many lead generation sources calls into Live Transfer�s call center. The call agents with Live Transfer are extensively trained to qualify buyers over the phone to distinguish between a serious buyer and one who is testing the waters. The call agents will follow along guidelines provided by your company to determine if these potential clients meet the requirements to qualify for your services. Once this has been determined, Live Transfer immediately transfers the caller to your company so that the lead can be handled right when they are ready for your services. Unlike other lead generation services that might email a potential client�s information to you so that they can be contacted in a couple of days, Live Transfer understands the potential for your company to speak with a lead immediately. In addition, they also understand the importance of spending time to pre-qualify a client so that you know a Live Transfer lead is a good lead.
To make the services of Live Transfer even more unbelievable, you only will pay for actual leads that are generated for your company. They also offer a free trial period so that you can see how great their services are before you sign any type of contract.
If you are searching for a way to increase the revenue of your business and close more loans this year, the best thing you could do for your company is to utilize the services of Live Transfer. You will be surprised how quickly they can make a difference in your commercial mortgage company.